Tuesday, December 3, 2013


light as subject
rules of third

10 rules of composition

 circular composition
 leading lines
 vertical lines
 rules of third
light as a subject

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

lightroom presets

1. A way of applying many changes to one photo in one click.


Tuesday, October 1, 2013

raw file vs Jpeg file

advantages of Raw file:
• higher in dynamic range (ability to display highlights and shadows).• the complete (lossless) data from the camera’s sensor
• typically a proprietary format (with the exception of Adobe’s DNG format that isn’t widely used yet)

Advantages Of Jpeg file:
• a standard format readable by any image program on the market or available open source.
• sharper.
• immediately suitable for printing, sharing, or posting on the Web.
Disadvantage of raw file
• not suitable for printing directly from the camera or without post processing.
Disadvantage of JPeg:
• lower in contrast (flatter, washed out looking).

Part 2:

1. It gets all the Data.

2.They need to collate all the data to put it together to make the final image.

3.It uses more memory,it can be converted into a Jpeg,Larger than the Jpeg's.

4.because you have to know what the difference is , how each of the files ending result is to see which ones you like.But you also have to know that one takes up more memory than the other so it means less shooting 

Monday, September 23, 2013

1st six weeks free shoot planning

soft light:


2.birds and flowers up close
5.probably outdoors
6.during the day
7.idk yet either
8.camera and long lens

Friday, September 13, 2013

16 sunny rule

1. Because it helps you get a better exposure of the picture and makes you a better photographer.

universal stop: The term "stop" is used in every aspect of photography to represent a relative change in the brightness of light.A relative measurement of light. a way to measure either an increase or a decrease of light.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

photo composition

 symmetry and patterns
 leading lines
 rules of third


balancing elements


Tuesday, September 3, 2013

composition rules

rule of third:

balancing elements


leading lines

avoiding mergers

creating depth



symmetry and pattern

Thursday, August 29, 2013

My kind of photography

                                           analog: http://digital-photography-school.com/why-analog-photography-still-rocks
                                           soft light: http://digital-photography-school.com/soft-light-weekly-photography-challenge

I want to learn how to take pictures like this because i like the way it looks.I wanna learn how to put those effects on pictures like the ones on top to make the image look like that.I wanna be able to focus on a subject and if i like it , be able to make it look like that cause i really like the effect that takes up in the image.And i would love to tai pictures that look ordinarily but use these types of effects to make them look better and stand out.Look different.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

newspaper design

intro to newspaper design-Front pages

1.Times union,I like it cause it looks well organized,and the stories are interesting.
2.Death came with a roar and because it seems like a tragedy happened and i wanna know more about it.
3.The front page has 4 stories
4.they all have headlines and captions,dates,etc
5.They vary in stories and themes and things like that.

20 questions on uniforms

1.Whats the cost of the uniform?
2.Does the top and the bottom come separately?
3.Who designed it?
4.What are the colors of it?
5.Why did they choose the colors they chose for it?
6.Why was your decision on putting dress code?
7.Did you have a dress code before?
8.Do the students have to wear it every day?
9.What if the students don't wear the uniform?
10.who had the idea of assigning a uniform?
11.What do the students think about the uniform?
12.What type of material did they use to make it?
13.do shoes influence in wearing the uniform?
14.Is there a different type or color of uniform for every grade level?
15.does the shirt have to be tucked in?
16.Do the teachers have some type of uniform or dress code they have to follow?
17.Do the students agree with the idea of having a uniform?
18.Are you with or against it?
19.When did the idea come up?
20. If could do any change to it ,what would to be?

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

20 questions (student of the month)

1.How do you feel about being the student of the month?
   -Proud and Honored
2.Did your grades get involved?
   -Yes,It was Based of Grades.
3.What kind of advice would you give to others for them to someday be in the place you are right now?
    -To try hard in classes,to get good grades; get more involved in school.
4.What was your first thought ?
   - Surprised that I had won out of everybody else that was nominated.
5.What would you teach other people?
    -To be confident of themselves and that anything is possible.
6.what did your parents say?
   -They were proud of me, Because it was the first time I got the honor to be student of the month.
7.Who inspired you?
    -My favorite teacher,Because he got to have honors like this.
8.Do you work hard in all the classes?
    - Yes,I'm a over Achiever.
9.Do all your teachers appreciate your work?
   - Yes.
10.whats your name?
    -Jisselle Rivera.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

newspaper notes

news magazine- glossy front and back cover. some may have news paper and only glossy covers. typical size is 8 1/2 by 11 its like a typical sheet of paper. no stories just a picture. might have some text but its not a story.

tabloid-are news print and they're smaller. 2 or less stories.

broadsheet-how many stories are in it. 3 or more.

they have a big picture and looks mysterious
big tittle the headline attracts and has a theme to it
it has advertisements
the little drawings
name of the paper
sub headline
table of contents-where everything is located on the newspaper

the school name or motto
the flag-tittle or name of newspaper
folio- is where all the other information is
the website and have where it came from (austin texas)
volume number and issue number

the flag aslo has other information to find things called teasers.

3 parts of the caption:
caption head
the person who took the photo
the caption itself

who wrote what and what they're position is.

jump- the story that starts one place and jumps to another place.
page number and headline to know where to go.
line to separate the stories.

graphics and who did the graphic.

kicker-the little triangular shape thing that kicks off the story.  

organizations and awards won on those
the tittle
staff box-list of all staff members
inside of the policy:
theres a picture of the person who wrote the paper on the opinions pages.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

storms 5 websites

2.What i saw on this website was a variety of storm pictures.They all had dark clouds and colors blending inside of them.

3.Even though it can be dangerous to take pictures of storms like those on the pictures,you can get some real good pictures from them.


5.A: I chose this picture because i like how the clouds have a dark shade to it but at the same time you can see the light coming from the sky