Monday, March 2, 2015

prom poses

                     single girl

group pose


single guy

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

SmugMug Prep.

Content Blocks
How do you add Content Blocks to your site
You add Content Blocks to your site by dragging it from the Customize drawer and dropping it onto your page

Content Types
What are the eight different types of content you can add?
Photo, Navigation, Video, Design, Text, Social, Discovery, and HTML & CSS

When you add photos to SmugMug, which are the FOUR different ways you can display them? Briefly explain what each method does.
Single Photo- add a block that contains a single image to any page, gallery, or folder
Multiple Photos- add a block that contains more than one image to any page, gallery, or folder
Slideshow- add a slideshow to any page, gallery, or folder
Carousel- add a photo carousel to any page, gallery, or folder

What are the SEVEN different types of Navigation items you can add to your SmugMug account? Briefly explain what each does.
Menu- Build a navigation bar with links to other pages on your site, as well as to any external sites you'd like your viewers to visit
Galleries- Display certain galleries
Folders- Display particular folders
Pages- Display certain pages
Folders, Galleries, and Pages- Display all types of content levels together
Breadcrumb- Add a breadcrumb to reveal the links between your homepage and the page being viewed 
Featured Events (Pro)- Feature an event on any page you create

Design Elements
What kinds of design elements can you add?
You can add a logo anywhere on your SmugMug site and add page separators to your site 

Image Preparation

What "Colorspace" should your images be processed in to be uploaded to SmugMug?
Your images should be processed in sRGB colorspace

Should you crop your images before uploading to SmugMug?Why?
No because today's cameras produce files with plenty of pixels and are large enough to sustain cropping

What is the minimum resolution size for an 8" by 10" print?

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

flash photography basics

* Every flash photograph is two exposures in one.
*Fill flash can be used she the subject is backlit  or side lit to eliminate silhouettes or shadows.
*Flash exposure is not affected by the shutter speed.( Aperture, ISO, NOT THE SHUTTER)
*Your camera measures ambient light and flash illumination separately.
*with automatic flash metering, the flash illumination is measured after  the shutter button is pressed and the flash output is adjust accordingly.
*Every SLR camera with a mechanical shutter box has a maximum flash sync speed.
*Harsh lighting washed out subjects and red eye can be eliminated by using diffusers and light bouncing.
*Its s possible to change the order of when he flash fires using " Rear Curtain Sync".
*Removing the flash from the top of the camera helps eliminate red eye and unflattering shadows.

photography challenge

1. Name of Tutorial? New

2. Save and post an example of the type of photograph this tutorial produces?

3. What equipment do you need? (Make a list. Be specific.)
1. camera 2.tripod 3. proper lighting. 4. lens
4. List of important things to do to prepare for shoot? (Make a numbered list.)
1. check for correct time to take the picture 2.check the camera 3. check the lens
5. List of important tips during shoot. (Make a numbered list.)
1. check the lighting and equipment. 2. correct place and time
6. List of important tips on how to process in Lightroom (or other software) after shoot?

1. don't over do the photo 2. don't crop out too much.

Monday, January 5, 2015

2014 photos

photojournalism. natural, the firefighter is outside holding the little animal. maybe he exposed it a little bit so it was clearer about what he was holding due to the little animal being so small.
photo journalism,sun, natural because he's outside and it doesn't look too over exposed. they had to get really close and a really fast shudder speed.
cityscape.sun,mix,because its a little too bight. it makes the picture look a little too fake or too exposed.plane or something because he captured the whole city
landscape,a little bit of sun.mix,because it looks like he enhanced and made it somewhat detailed.he had to stand at an angle to capture the dog as well.
city scape,city lights. artificial. the lights are too contrast. it looks clearer and brighter. he probably had to be on a plane as well because of the view of the person there.
depth of fields, sun.natural, it just looks like he enhanced the lighting a bit. it looks clearer. he had to stand way back to get it with so much depth.
S-curve, birds eye view.light source: sun, artifial because the colors seem a bit too contrast. he made it look detailed. probably on a plane to capture it.

1. Label the type of photography it is. Examples: Street (Urban), Photojournalism, Landscape, Cityscape, Black and White, Portraits, Food, etc.

2. Explain Rules of Composition present in photo and provide written evidence.

3. Describe the lighting:
  • Light source or light sources?
  • Natural/Artificial/Mix? How do you know?
  • How did photographer enhance photo through use of light?
4. Explain what work photographer have to do to capture this image?